Colors That Are Shared The Most

Do colors influence our decisions?

It may sound surprising, but the answer is Yes.

In fact, as I've explained in this lesson,

..people make up their minds within 90 seconds of their initial interactions with either people or products, and astonishingly, about 62‐90 percent of the assessment is based on colors alone.

There is a lot more to learn about colors. For example, different colors mean different things to the people in different parts of the world.

If you're serious about graphic designing, you must be curious to know how colors play part in our lives.

Watch the video below to learn more.

Video Transcript

Hello, in this lesson I will discuss several important findings that show the importance of color in influencing our decisions.

Let me begin with this interesting study by Satyendra Singh of University of Winnipeg…way back in 2006.

He found that – People make up their minds within 90 seconds of their initial interactions with either people or products. And astonishingly, about 62‐90 percent of the assessment is based on colors alone.

Jeremy Smith, an experienced conversion consultant, gives his take in this exhaustive Kissmetrics article. He says – Women don’t like gray, orange, and brown. They like blue, purple, and green.

What do men like? Men like blue, green, and black. And they don’t like purple, orange, and brown.

There have been many studies on colors…as can be expected.

For the web-based marketers, it is very important that they strike a chord with visitors at the earliest, and colors play a major part in that process.

Let me refer to yet another study of colors – this one by Saeideh Bakhshi from Georgia Tech, Atlanta. He investigated whether there is a link between color and diffusion. In other words, he wanted to find out which colors are favored or NOT favored the most.

And for that he used a corpus of 1 million images crawled from the popular social media site, Pinterest.

What did he find?

He found that specifically, Red, Purple, and Pink colors promote diffusion or sharing…while Green, Blue, Black and Yellow suppress it.

I mention these study-based information to raise the awareness about how to handle colors in the visuals we use on the web.

Before I end, take a look at what different colors mean to the people in different parts of the world. Fascinating, really!

Okay, in this section I will discuss some color tools…that not only make it easy to pick up colors to your liking, but also identify those colors by their hexadecimal and RGB codes.

This lesson ends here, and I do hope that you are liking this course for your needs.

Thanks for watching.

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