Why Do You Need Free Visuals

Hello, welcome to my course.

I begin with why you need free visuals. Well, we all need visuals...and in this lesson I discuss some strong reasons why you need visuals.

But free visuals?

Yes you need free visuals, and again there are good reasons for that.

Watch the video. Get to know my take on free visuals.

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Video Transcript

Hello, welcome to this lesson.

Let me begin with why you need visuals for your web venture, and then I’ll come back to the need for free visuals.

In this infographic on Kissmetrics website, the statistics clearly point, to how big visual content has come to be, and how it is changing the way we do marketing on the web.


There are 4 stats here. And I find the fourth one really interesting.

54% of all Internet users have posted an original photo or video that they have created personally.

This indicates that the common public clearly understand the importance of visual contents, and they love to do that for themselves.

Not surprisingly, 66% of social media updates are visual content.

A more plausible explanation for visuals can be had in this post on HubSpot.


It quotes a study by 3M and Zabisco which found that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text.

Zabisco also found that 40% of people respond better to visual information than text.

With such an overwhelming facts in its favor, there is little doubt that visuals are a must for anything you do on the web.

But why free visuals?

Well, the simple reason for using free visuals is that there are just so many of them available for use. Talented creators have made the visuals free for us to use for many reasons. Let me not go into that.

But I do believe that even the big companies routinely access free visuals for their needs. Just visit some of their blogs, and you can find out for yourself.

So, if the big ones use free visuals, why not you?

Which is why I have made this course, giving you NOT only the sources of free visuals, but also how to use them for your needs.

In the coming lessons I will show you a whole lot of excellent free resources that you can start using immediately for professional designing.

Thanks for taking this course.

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